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Advertising on Google

With Google advertising, you have the opportunity to appear at the top of Google search results exactly when your potential customers are searching for your products or services. We will create your advertising campaigns and optimize the cost per click and conversion.


We are a certified Google Ads partner

Google is the most used search engine in the world. With its help, we reach new customers and promote your business by positioning it on the market in front of the right people. We create suitable campaigns, optimized to achieve maximum results at the minimum cost per click, aiming to increase brand recognition and user awareness.

Attract new customers with Google ads now

Google is the most used search engine in the world. With its help, we reach new customers and promote your business by positioning it in the market in front of the right people. We create suitable campaigns optimized for achieving maximum results at a minimal cost per click, with the goal of increasing brand recognition and awareness among potential users.

With Google ads, you receive:

  • Full control over the advertising budget
  • The ads reach the exact audience
  • Achieving results in short terms
  • Precise measurement of effectiveness
  • Attracting customers from a specific geographic area
  • Reaching customers worldwide
  • Better positioning compared to competitors
  • Access to detailed data for analysis

Pricing offers for Google advertising

The prices listed for Google advertising are indicative, but they reflect 90% of our actual offers. If the parameters of your advertising campaign are different, do not hesitate to contact us.


Attracting the maximum number of visits to your website


monthly management fee £200-£500
monthly budget

1 ad
in the search network

6 months
minimum commitment


Tracking inquiries through your site


monthly management fee £350-£1500
monthly budget

up to 2 campaigns
in the search network

3 months
minimum commitment

Loyal Customers

Turning potential customers into loyal ones


monthly management fee £1000-£5000
monthly budget

up to 5 campaigns
in the search network

minimum commitment
Setup and configuration of Google Ads account
Setup and configuration of Google Ads account
Setup and configuration of Google Ads account
Monitoring results and monthly report
Monitoring results and monthly report
Monitoring results and monthly report
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Tracking conversions through your website
Tracking conversions through your website
Tracking conversions through your website
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Integration of Google Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a more comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Integration of Google Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a more comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Integration of Google Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a more comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
show all options hide options

If the listed offers do not meet your specific needs or you need additional functionality, do not hesitate to contact us. The listed prices cover most of our projects. We reserve the right to change the price in case of overly simple or overly complex projects. The listed prices do not include VAT.

Our recipe for successful Google advertising

1. Requirements

The client provides their requirements and goals

2. Analysis

Together we explore different ideas and determine the budget framework

3. Messages

We determine the target pages and compose the ad texts

4. Structure

We organize the ads into separate logical groups for specific goals

5. Presentation

We present the final product and await your impressions and comments

6. Finalization

We apply the final touches and prepare the key phrases for the individual ad groups

7. Launch

We load the budget into Google Ads, set the goals, and give the green light to the ads

8. Optimization

We add new key phrases, make changes, and optimizations for better results

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Why use Google Ads?

Using Google Ads provides numerous benefits for your business that can significantly increase online presence and substantially enhance the effectiveness of marketing objectives:

  1. Every day, there are over 3.5 billion searches on Google, offering huge potential for reaching new customers and increasing sales.
  2. With Google Ads, your ads appear at the top positions in search results, significantly increasing visibility and the likelihood of clicks and attracting potential customers to your website.
  3. Google Ads provides detailed analytics tools that allow easy measurement of the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, giving you a clear picture of the return on investment (ROI).
  4. Google Ads allows targeting by demographics, location, interests, and behavior. This enables reaching the most suitable audience for your business and maximizing the cost-efficiency of the advertising budget.
  5. With advertising on Google, you can generate quick results and see the impact of your ads in real-time, which allows timely corrections and optimizations to achieve maximum results.
  6. Google Ads gives you the ability to control the advertising budget, adjusting it according to the needs and capabilities of your business.

Google Ads is a powerful tool that can support the growth and success of your business, providing the necessary resources to effectively reach your target audience.

How do we determine the price for launching and managing Google Ads?

Unlike most agencies that set the price as a percentage of Google advertising costs, we use an approach based on the specific needs and structures of your campaign. Here's what our process includes:

  1. The price depends on the number of campaigns and ads within them. More complex campaigns with multiple ads require more time and effort for setup and management, affecting the final price.
  2. The size of the budget is an important factor. A higher budget requires more in-depth optimization of keywords and ads to ensure maximum return on investment. The higher the budget, the more effort is put into monitoring and optimization.
  3. We invest time and resources in analyzing your target audience and competition. This includes detailed studies and analyses, ensuring that your ads are targeted at the most appropriate users and achieve maximum effectiveness.
  4. Our approach is flexible and customized according to your specific needs and goals. This means we can offer different packages and solutions that match your business and budget.
  5. We provide ongoing optimization of your campaigns and deliver regular reports on their effectiveness. This gives you transparency and confidence that your advertising investments are in good hands.

Our goal is to achieve a perfect balance between budget and number of ads, which is a key factor for a successful advertising campaign on Google.

This approach ensures that you get maximum value from your advertising investments, with personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals.

How long will it take to launch your ads on Google?

Our process for launching a new advertising campaign on Google is well structured and organized to ensure a quick and efficient start. Here's what this process includes:

  1. Preliminary consultation and analysis - We hold a meeting to discuss your goals and requirements. We analyze the target audience, competition, and necessary keywords. This stage usually takes 1-2 business days.
  2. Creating a plan and strategy - Based on the gathered information, we compile a detailed plan for the campaign, including the structure of the ads, the budget, and expected results. This process can take an additional 1-2 business days.
  3. Design and creation of ads - We prepare the advertising messages, graphics, and landing pages, ensuring that all elements are optimized for maximum effectiveness. This can take between 2 and 5 business days, depending on the complexity of the campaign and the number of target pages.
  4. Setup and configuration in Google Ads - Once the ads are ready, we configure them in Google Ads, including setting up targeting, budgets, and the schedule for display. This stage usually takes 1-2 business days.
  5. Review and final corrections - We conduct a final review of the campaign to ensure everything is set up correctly and ready to launch. If corrections are needed, we make them within another business day.

Typically, the entire process takes between 5 and 10 business days, depending on the complexity of the campaign and the number of target pages. We strive to launch your ads on Google as quickly as possible, while ensuring high quality and effectiveness of the campaigns.

Why is a campaign managed and optimized every month?

Google is a constantly changing and dynamic environment where keeping up with the news, trends, and seasonality is crucial for achieving good results.

Here are several key reasons why a campaign is managed and optimized every month:

  1. Changes in competition - Competition in online advertising is intense and constantly changing. New competitors may enter the market, and existing ones may change their strategies and budgets. Regular optimization ensures that your ads remain competitive and effective.
  2. Adapting to new trends - Consumer behavior trends change rapidly. Optimization allows campaigns to adapt to these changes, using new keywords and advertising messages that meet the current needs and interests of the audience.
  3. Improving quality rating - Google Ads uses a quality rating to determine the position and cost of ads. Regular campaign optimization helps improve this rating by enhancing the relevance and quality of the ads and landing pages.
  4. Cost optimization - Daily management and monthly optimization allow effective budget management. This includes reallocating costs to more effective campaigns and eliminating ineffective expenses, leading to a higher return on investment (ROI).
  5. Analysis and reporting of results - Regular analysis and optimization provide valuable data on the effectiveness of campaigns. This includes monitoring key metrics such as clicks, conversions, and costs, which allows informed decisions to be made and strategies to be adjusted for improving results.
  6. Tests and experiments - Continuous management allows for conducting A/B tests and other experiments with advertising messages, landing pages, and targeting strategies. This helps discover the most effective approaches and improve campaigns over time.