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Advertising on Instagram

Management of Instagram ads, professional creation of advertising messages, precise targeting of the audience, and optimization of cost per click and realization.

Instagram is not just the most developed social network with a huge number of active users today, but a whole universe. Advertising on Instagram has the power to emotionally impact, prompt action, and impose your brand. We offer targeting of a quality audience and converting Instagram visitors into clients.

Our experienced experts provide innovative strategies specifically aimed at the digital transformation of your business for over 20 years. We understand the uniqueness of each business and therefore offer personalized solutions that are perfectly tailored to your specific requirements.

Price Offers for Advertising on Instagram

The listed prices for advertising on Instagram are indicative, yet they match 90% of our actual offers. If the parameters of your advertising campaign are different, do not hesitate to contact us.


Attracting a maximum number of visits to your website


monthly management fee £200-500
monthly budget

1 ad
in the search network

6 months
minimum commitment


Tracking inquiries through your website


monthly management fee £350-1500
monthly budget

up to 2 campaigns
in the search network

3 months
minimum commitment

Loyal Customers

Turning potential customers into loyal ones


monthly management fee £1000-5000
monthly budget

up to 5 campaigns
in the search network

minimum commitment
Setting up and configuring an Instagram Ads account
Setting up and configuring an Instagram Ads account
Setting up and configuring an Instagram Ads account
Monitoring results and monthly reporting
Monitoring results and monthly reporting
Monitoring results and monthly reporting
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Research and selection of the most suitable and effective keywords for your business
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Personalized ad targeting to reach the right audience
Tracking conversions through your website
Tracking conversions through your website
Tracking conversions through your website
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Remarketing and dynamic remarketing (retargeting)
Integrating Instagram Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Integrating Instagram Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Integrating Instagram Ads with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for a comprehensive view of the marketing strategy
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
Monthly optimization of messages and keywords
show all options hide options

If the indicated offers do not meet your specific needs or you require additional functionality, do not hesitate to contact us. The listed prices cover most of our projects. We reserve the right to change the price in case of overly simplified or too complex projects. The indicated prices do not include VAT.

Our Recipe for Successful Advertising on Instagram

1. Requirements

The client provides their requirements and objectives

2. Analysis

We explore various ideas together and define the budget limits

3. Messages

We define the target pages and compose the texts for the ads

4. Structure

We organize the ads into separate logical groups according to specific goals

5. Presentation

We present the final product and await your impressions and comments

6. Finalization

We apply final touches and prepare the key phrases for the individual ad groups

7. Start

We load the budget in Instagram Ads, set the goals, and give the green light to the ads

8. Optimization

We add new key phrases, make changes, and optimizations for better results

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ask us, and we will answer all your questions.

How do we determine the price for launching and managing Instagram ads?

There are several popular pricing models among agencies, and the most widespread is a percentage of the expenses for Instagram ads.

We think this model is not very good because it does not motivate the agency to reduce your advertising costs. The more you spend on Instagram, the more the agency gets.

The second popular model is to determine the price by the number of advertising posts on your wall on Instagram. Yes, this is one of the parameters we use to determine the price, but it is not leading because, again, it does not motivate to optimize the ads on Instagram but to publish the maximum number of posts to make more money.

We determine the price for our service based on the goals set. The higher your expectations and the results you want to achieve, the more work awaits us.

We always strive to achieve a perfect balance between budget and number of ads. According to us, this is the key factor for a successful advertising campaign on Instagram.

Keep in mind that people quickly smell ads and usually do not like the idea of being pushed, and if we overdo the number of posts, it is very likely to repel them rather than attract them.

What should my budget be for successful advertising on Instagram?

For new campaigns, we prefer to start with minimal budgets and explore growth opportunities, measure achieved results, and continuously seek new opportunities to reach new potential clients.

Within a range of £200 - £300 per month, we can measure the potential of the ads and make future results more predictable.

For existing campaigns, we look for optimization opportunities and more precise audience targeting usually to reduce advertising costs.

Still, an advertising budget of £50 or £100 per month usually does not bring the desired results. There are exceptions, but they are rare. It is quite normal for a proven and well-optimized campaign on Instagram to spend between £500 and £2000 per month. Such budgets are fully justified and justified if they bring new clients and significantly increase sales.

Who and how will create your ads on Instagram?

Your advertising campaign on Instagram will be developed by highly qualified, certified specialists with years of experience in the field.

All our campaigns are developed according to your needs and requirements and are focused on achieving excellent results that can be measured.

We follow modern trends and love to experiment, but we create advertising messages through proven principles over time.

The support of the advertisement on Instagram will be entirely our responsibility, and you can be calm that there is someone to take care of achieving the set goals in the long term.

How long will it take to launch your ads on Instagram?

The time to develop an advertising campaign on Instagram and prepare the advertising posts depends on many factors.

Before we start working on the ads on Instagram, we make a plan and determine the number of posts on a monthly basis on your wall and the necessary time for their preparation, we determine the budget and set goals to achieve.

Before we publish anything, we provide it for approval, providing time for comments from the client, and in most cases, it is impossible to predict how long it will take.

Our experience shows that launching a new advertising campaign on Instagram usually takes between 3 and 10 working days.

Why is a company on Instagram managed and optimized every month?

Instagram is a social network that is dynamic and constantly changing. If you do not have regular posts on your Instagram wall, you will quickly be forgotten, and the results you have achieved so far will quickly evaporate.

Experiments with different messages, images, and video will show us what works for your business at the moment and what does not. However, the situation may be completely different every 2-3 months.

Optimizing the audience will reduce advertising budgets and increase conversions. Constant growth in followers significantly increases your chances for successful advertising campaigns on Instagram in the future.

What results should I expect after we launch the ads on Instagram?

Most clients expect orders to start pouring in immediately after launching their ads on Instagram as if they could not handle so much work all at once. Unfortunately, in most cases, it does not happen that way. Think about it, as a client, how long do you need to decide to buy something? When it comes to everyday small purchases, you probably do not think about them for long, but for everything else, you first check the price in several places, then research the potential suppliers, and only then decide from whom to buy.

The process is slow and takes from a week to several months depending on the type of product or service. Our experience shows that real results start to become apparent only in the second, third month.

Can I create and promote my posts on Instagram myself?

Of course. It is not necessary to pay agency fees if you have enough time, limited funds, and basic technical literacy.

Initially, you will likely spend money without achieving the results you want and quickly decide that advertising on Instagram does not work, but if you dedicate a significant part of your free time to start learning the different options and techniques for optimizations and targeting, you will begin to see the desired progress.

The question here is how motivated you are, whether it is interesting and fun for you to engage in this, and how much free time and resources you have.